Success Stories
Artist at Work: A new exhibition experience in the time of Coronavirus
By Tarteel Muammar 1 The COVID-19 global crisis has sparked debate about the future of creative work and the effect of mobility...
A Closer Look - Dar Qandeel: A Home and a Lantern
By Tarteel Muammar [1] From the outset, I knew that writing about Dar Qandeel for Arts and Culture in Tulkarem, a partner of the “Visual...
Culture, Art and Social Engagement Project: People are Partners in Art Production
I have always heard that Jericho is a “cursed city that people must cross quickly and never reside in.” It never occurred to me how the...
Visual Arts Forum Aiming for Sustainability
Founded in 2002, the Visual Arts Forum, formerly the Young Artists Forum, launched its School of Visual Arts as an initiative to teach...
Between Cité des Arts and University of Ideas ... AMQF residencies offer spaces for young artists
Every year, the Culture and Arts Programme (CAP) at A.M. Qattan Foundation offers opportunities for young Palestinian artists to...
Early childhood educators spread the word… This is how we have changed and made a change
Ramallah – (A.M. Qattan Foundation – 12 January 2019): Issues 57 and 58 of the Ru’a Tarbawiyya Quarterly, recently published by the...
Anabta: Faces for Masks: An Experimental Exhibition … Women and girls in search of their real faces
“I used to think that I did not love art. I am a housewife. I left school when I was in the 9 th grade. I have spent my life cooking and...
Sixth-Grader Discovers the Pleasure of Reading
“Whenever I held a book in my hands, I would feel them shaking. I was always saying to myself: “Oh, my God! How can I read all this? It...
Learning in Action: Making Films for Animation in Education
Today it is possible to have a big impact using only simple tools. The implications of having access to affordable consumer electronics...
"Sabil": A Palestinian Musical Dialogue Achieves Wide International Acclaim
The prize-winning album ‘Sabil’ showcases a new type of musical dialogue between the oud and percussion. A product of perseverance by...
Child Husam Haraz: A Promising Future in Programming
Husam Haraz, 13 years old, is a member of the Qattan Club for Programmers which he joined in 2011 at the Qattan Centre for the Child in...
Mother "Nermin" and the Kindergarten Programme
Nermin is a mother of three. She married at an early age and commenced university study and work after her children were born. Nermin...